Estate Planning

We help clients create estate plans, involving the use of Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, and other methods, to help ensure that the client’s final wishes are honored and their legacy lives on.

Proper estate planning now can take a burden off of the client’s loved ones and avoid costly litigation later. Estate planning tools and strategies we use include:

  • Wills

  • Trusts (Revocable, Irrevocable, Special Needs)

  • Probate, estate and trust administration

  • Estate and Gift Taxation

  • Transfers of personal or business assets (real estate, stocks, other business interest)

  • Business succession planning

  • Powers of attorney and advanced healthcare directives

  • Prenuptial and marital agreements

  • Generation-skipping tax planning

We strive to help each client create the most effective and efficient estate plan possible with an emphasis on avoiding costly probate litigation and reducing estate taxes to the lowest amount possible.

Columbia Office
Summerville Office (Appt. only please)
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